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Thoughts & Inspiration

This blog is certainly feeling like a monthly countdown, but hopefully as these next couple months of life settle down and I can find a routine, I can also find some consistency with posting. This past month was crazy busy to say the least. First, I moved on to campus to start sophomore year (part 1) and then 1 day in had to go home to quarantine with Covid, which also happened during Recruitment for my sorority. 

And as crazy as that was, honestly it was a perspective I needed, I really did slow down for the 10 days of quarantine. 

After that was finished, we started classes (and for me a new major!!) I have so enjoyed just these first 2 weeks of classes, changing majors, even though at the time was an anxious decision, has been one of the best ones! I feel like it is preparing me for to step into a field post college that I want to be in and feel called to serve and lead in!

And finally, there was lots of trip prep this last month! First, we got our squad name, which was weirdly one of the most comforting things. The idea of launching Jan. 4th to go and serve around the world for 6 months a little scary, but so exciting. As someone who craves stability, it is pushing me WAY out of my comfort zone (in the best way)!!

Sometimes the small signs that the Lord places before you are what you need to feel the comfort of His presence. I have a lucky number, its 23, it was always my jersey number in sports, and it just pops up throughout everything.

So I am on a call with my Squad Mentor and we are discussing the trip and she is telling me about what is on her heart for the future of this trip, and she mentions Psalms 23. Not only there pops up my number, but Psalm 23 has a special place in my heart.

My mom has the whole Psalm committed to memory and when I was little she used to recite it to me when I was upset. I can vividly hear her voice each time I read that passage.

So not only am I feeling good about the trip from just that but 2 days later I get an email, from Hailey our team leader, she says she has the name of our squad.

GAP 23

She spoke about how she is praying Psalm 23 over our trip and each of us in preparation of it. So I get to take a piece of my mom with me on the field and be reminded of it each day, there was comfort in that moment.

If you did not face those moments of anxiety, you would not be human, but do not let that fear control you outlook, instead look towards God because He will always be there, so look for him in those moments.

with love.


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